Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Free Masterbation Lubrication

Newsletter V

Here's my Newsletter No. 5

Sunday, June 20, 2010

How To Read A Kundli Online


Yes, it is well. My room is cleared out, packed their bags, of most of my friends I've taken leave. Now it's just somehow come to rest and sleep a few hours tomorrow morning and drive to the airport and then fly away.
It is a very strange feeling. It seems all so unreal. This is now really over. I Brazil, where I have friends and found at home, will leave and have no idea when I will come back.
A year is ending. A year full of experiences, with barriers that existed to overcome, with wonderful impressions and encounters.
Valeu a pena

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Craigslist Cargo Vans

leave, and so ...

Yes now it is not even a week and I will leave Brazil. A very strange feeling. Today I will go one last time to Casa Feminina to work. At the weekend the last time in my community and then say bye to all friends and give them a last time to wave goodbye. Saying goodbye to me is imminent. The farewell party is organized and somehow "On-never-again" say. The cases will be packed and so is now available for the last days even the few on my to-do list.
But it feels good that just is WM. This way I can distract me somewhat and does not have all the time think about how many days since now are. Here in Brazil, all the major football fever. In a Brazil game here everything is still. All stop working, all shops are closed, the buses sometimes no more and no one is on the road. The first Brazil game could I look at the Casa Feminina. There we had everything in green, yellow, decorated blue is a really cool atmosphere. Even if we had a mini-TV. It was very funny:)
I have really enjoyed the last days here, especially in the Casa Feminina. I'm really even noticed me, how much I am needed here really. I had the opportunity to lead a lot of cool conversations with the students. The Casa Feminina is recovering again to travel by a bomb which exploded. The whole last week it has been simmering a lot and it was a very strange mood at the Casa. Much has been said and there were many speculations and rumors. On Thursday there was a great round. Each Aluna had and could say everything she knew without fear must be that someone wants their home numbers because she was telling the truth. The case was this: One should Aluans with various other Alunas a relationship have had. But she denied everything. And explodes with this delicate situation, this bomb on Thursday. It came out that these assumptions were true and so we had to send 3 Alunas away, 2 more are cut off with. A day's course to anyone and the other not pass unpunished. Slowly, however, have all re-captured and calmed down. It is always very sad to see if Alunas stop their therapy. Out of stupidity, without thinking, just because they just feel like doing something else because they can not overcome their pride and thus do not use their opportunity.
But there are always those who start to think what they want to live for her fight to use the day to take their chance and against the desire and the desire drugs and my former life back.
Yes, the leave me here I do not quite effortless, but I'm also very happy again Coming home. I am curious what will come all this way and what God has it all so be prepared.
remains now to say to me, you soon