Thursday, December 24, 2009

Completion Letter Of Community Service

Merry Christmas

So now it is time. The calendar says it the 24th And so December is Christmas. It feels to me in a way then to approximately zero, but does not matter:) I'm in Caiua in the state of Sao Paulo with a staff member from the casa feminine at home. Since here Weihnahten yet today, we were sweating in very hot Caiua just go ahead and live day to day. Tomorrow is here, then Christmas, even if Christmas has hardly Bedeutug. We know when Jesus was born not before really, I will be always said if I ask why they have no service on Christmas in the Church.

I wish you, dear blog readers a merry Christmas in the cold Germany!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tofd Training In India Bluestar

Newsletter No. 3

My 3rd Runbrief be read here and admire:)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Does Ringworm Look Like Healing Stage

it comes to Christmas spirit

The cactus is decorated ... We have crafted a manger ...
And even it was already mare male ...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Letter Of Request Housing Allowance

From life where they must cope

weekend I was with Ariana (M onitora ) and 5 Alunas in Londrina at a concert by Andre Valadão . He is a Christian musician who many worship songs are here. And not only has he played the same special also Mariana Valadão and Davi Silva . For me and for the girls it was a really very cool and blessed evening. The Aluans could learn a lot and just do well. And I've noticed how much has missed concerts ... :) Look time when I come back to one. One of the
Alunas who was with at the concert was the next morning very ready. She smelled her clothes from the night before a trail of smoke . She longed for her old life. She wanted to go.
can I see the moment again and again that we the Alunas Although much can say, could help them identify problems and talk to them. But the really serious comes only out there to meet them. And there I can not help them. And very quickly and very often then leads to relapse. And that means not only that they have been drinking again, or what have smoked cigarettes. Often they fall back in her old life. A student who already almost 5 months in Cervin is for one week at home and begins again to prostitute themselves. A part of their "old" life. Another student has already completed their therapy, but is still in Cervin because they are not quite dare to go home. She was in between a weekend at home. Now she is pregnant by any man. For the 4th times, taking their two children were taken away from her already. It's the way it happened, they said. Even a return to her old life. We can of Cervin while they try to prepare all the, but they must master it can help them as real one.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Get Rid Throat Ulcers


The last days I was in Paraguay, in Assunion. There I visited a very good friend of mine, Judith, because the degree makes a FSJ. When I arrived I was first warmly welcomed by a really nice rain, so that was really all wet. The things that were in it in my backpack. But fortunately there is so warm and dry clothes fast:) I've watched her work there in the kindergarten at was at a wedding and have enjoyed very easy just to be away from it all and the Cervin. Another work to sit and watch and talk with people who have nothing to do with my work. It was really a very cool things to take here away from home a friend from home.